© Light Art by Gerry Hofstetter / Foto Michael Portmann
Illumination of the Matterhorn - Polish flag

From 24 March, the mountain in the Swiss Alp has been illuminated with a messages of hope and solidarity in this difficult time. Nightly projections of images, including the words "hope", "solidarity","stay home" and flags of countries affected by the Coronavirus pandemic are displaying on the Mattehorn. On the mountain which has always been a symbol of Switzerland and a place of strength and stability. This displays are a message: Light is hope and solidarity with all people who are currently suffering and thankfulness to all those who are helping to overcome the crisis.
On 24th April, Switzerland also expressed solidarity with Poland in our fight against the Coronavirus pandemic. A photo showing the nation's flag was projected onto the peak of the 4,478m high mountain with an accompanying post of the words of encouragement:
On 24th April, Switzerland also expressed solidarity with Poland in our fight against the Coronavirus pandemic. A photo showing the nation's flag was projected onto the peak of the 4,478m high mountain with an accompanying post of the words of encouragement:
Poland is affected by the corona crisis. We send a sign of solidarity and hope and wish the population much strength to overcome the crisis.Zermatt local government